New Arrivals
Library Services
Circulation Service
Information Alert Service
Current Awareness Services
Selective Dissemination of Information
Article Alert Service
Content Alert Services
- Online Access to database Services
- Inter – Library Loan
- Reference Service
- Referral Service
- User Orientation
- Information Literacy
Document Delivery Service
Literature Search
News Clipping Service
Question Bank
Research Guidance
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
Internet Based Services
VISTAS Library building spans an area of 20,000 sq.ft. with RFID it has a seating capacity of 500 persons and follows Open Access System blended with State -of-the-art facilities. The Library houses a collection of 143945 Books, 206581 e-Books, 15967 Back Volumes, 5302 Dissertations and 5714 Audio Visual Resources. The Library subscribes to more than 481 Periodicals (National & International) and 12535 e-Journals. To facilitate quality teaching & research, Digital Library access to electronic information services to ensure the information needs of our Students and faculty are met. Staff and Students can access e-Books, e-Journals and databases from EBSCO, ProQuest, J-Gate, IEEE, ASME, Micromedex's Drugdex Systems, Bentham Science, Inventi Online, AIR Online, SCC Online, DVL Online, Vels Library Subject Gateway Digital Portal, eBooks from ProQuest and ScoiVal (Abstract and Citation Database) from Elsevier.
Our vision is to provide world-class knowledge resources that not only cater to the curricular requirements but also inspire intellectual enquiry and research. There are separate stack areas for Books, Reference Materials, Magazines and periodicals. The library is attached to E-Knowledge Resource Centre, Virtual Learning Centre and Reprographic Section. There is a fully Automated Library Information System with bar coding of Books, Non-Book Materials and ID cards that enables laser scanning of issues and returns. Using Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), the users can search the library online catalogue by Author, Title and Keywords, also, the users get to know the latest addition of Periodicals, Books and the status of a document. The library is an active member of the E-ShodhSindhu Consortium (to access online full-text journals) and also a member of NDLI (National Digital Library of India) in order to avail the benefits of various services. In addition, the library enrolled as an Institutional Member of the British Council Library (BCL), Madras Library Network (MALIBNET) and Developing Library Network (DELNET) to avail the service of ILL.
Library working hours - 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.